On 4th May 2017, BCHC staff and postgraduate students hosted a unique meeting of extra-cellular vesicle (EV) and helminth specialists to discuss new ways of progressing EV research in helminthology. The meeting was attended by colleagues at Leiden University Medical Centre (Prof. Ron Hokke, Prof. Hermelijn H. Smits and Marije Kuipers) and Cardiff University (Dr Aled Clayton) and the event was hosted by BCHC Director, Prof Karl Hoffmann, and attended by twelve other BCHC staff and postgraduate students. Discussions confirmed the latest methods used to isolate EVs and some ground-breaking new ideas for functional work – all top secret of course!!
After the meeting, discussions were wrapped-up over a beer outside the Glengower Hotel.
Thanks to all those who attended and provided such a valuable contribution and particularly to Dr Clayton for the framework he provided on EV-related topics.