Last month, after long delays due to COVID-19 restrictions BCHC were pleased to welcome back several PhD and MRes students to celebrate their graduations.
PhD graduates supervised by Prof Karl Hoffmann:
Dr Ben Hulme: The focus of his research project was “Schistosoma mansoni α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase (SmNAGAL) regulates coordinated parasite movement and egg production”
Dr Alessandra Crusco: With her thesis was entitled “Anti-infective diterpenoids: design, synthesis, evaluation and metabolomics studies”
Dr Holly Craven: Her project focused on “Analysis of quadruplex DNA structures in Schistosoma mansoni and their potential as therapeutic targets”
Dr Gilda Padalino: With her thesis was entitled “Identification of new compounds targeting the Schistosoma mansoni protein methylation machinery”
Congratulations Ben, Alessandra, Holly and Gilda!!!

Masters student Lisa Bloemberg performed her dissertation in the Hoffmann laboratory as part of her Dutch Masters Degree. Congratulations Lisa!

PhD graduates supervised by Dr Russ Morphew:
Dr Clare Collett: The focus of her research project was “Towards the penside detection of triclabendazole efficacy against Fasciola hepatica parasites of livestock”
Dr David Cutress: With his thesis entitled “Towards validation of the sigma class GSTs from the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica as chemotherapeutic targets”
Dr John Tomes: His project focused on “Imaging ellipsometry as a novel detection method for protein-protein interactions”
Dr Nathan Allen: With his thesis entitled “Molecular approaches to uncover the fundamental biology of Calicophoron daubneyi”
Dr Fiona Tyson: Her project focused on “Monitoring drug efficacies in equid nematodes”
Congratulations Clare, David, John, Nathan and Fiona!!!
PhD graduates supervised by Prof Peter Brophy:
Dr Rebekah Weatherhead: With her thesis entitled “The influence of water temperature on the immune function of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) when challenged with Saprolegnia parasitica”
Congratulations Rebekah!!!
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