March was a busy month at the BCHC for exploring new collaborations and pushing on the UK’s national research portfolio in helminthology. At the beginning of the month, Prof. Mark Viney visited the Centre from Bristol University to share his knowledge on parasitic nematodes, delivering an excellent talk and generating some interesting discussions on what exactly might be the role of those mysterious SCP/TAPS proteins!
Following on from this visit, in mid-March the BCHC also welcomed Professor Ray Owens from the Oxford Protein Production Facility (OPPF-UK) in Oxfordshire, who spent a couple of days with us hearing more about our schistosome drug screening platform and the latest research being undertaken by our PhD student, Gilda Padalino. During his visit, Professor Owens also presented a fascinating overview of his team’s structural proteomics research and the development of the Facility’s integrated pipeline. Supported by the BCHC, Gilda will be visiting the OPPF-UK later this year to learn more about their techniques of developing the gene to crystal pipeline (based on E. coli baculovirus and mammalian based expression systems) and their understanding of the structural biology of glycosylated proteins.
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