Students have once more rated Aberystwyth University as one of the best in the UK for overall student satisfaction. Aberystwyth is the top university in England and Wales, and second in the UK for overall student satisfaction according to The National Student Survey (NSS), which was published this week. With overall student satisfaction at 91%,…
BCHC PhD Student successfully defends thesis
At the end of June, Alessandra Crusco, a PhD Student with Prof. Karl Hoffmann successfully defended her thesis entitled ‘Anti-infective diterpenoids: design, synthesis, evaluation and metabolomics studies‘. On completion of her thesis Alessandra has taken a Postdoctoral position at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Cardiff University and continues to work in collaboration…
BCHC student wins award for PhD presentation at the 5th Annual Scientific Drug Discovery Congress
Aberystwyth PhD student, David Cutress, has won one of two awards presented on the first day of the Annual Scientific Drug Discovery Congress held in Cardiff earlier this month. His talk, entitled ‘Towards validation of an immune suppressor protein from liver fluke as a drug target’, detailed the advances he has made to date in trying…
Aberystwyth University student scoops prize at BSP conference
Alessandra Crusco, a third year PhD student at IBERS Aberystwyth University, received one of the five poster awards at the British Society for Parasitology Annual Spring meeting this April. The completion was sponsored by BMC (Parasites and Vectors) and Elsevier. The competition was judged by BSP council members Dr Poppy Lamberton, Prof. Domenico Otranto, Dr…
Aberystwyth Student scoops prize at Cardiff Postgraduate Research Day
Alessandra Crusco, a 3rd year PhD student at Aberystwyth University has been presented with one of 3 prizes awarded for oral presentations at the recent ‘Cardiff School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Postgraduate Research Day’. Alessandra is co-supervised by Prof. Karl Hoffmann (Aberystwyth University) and Prof. Andrew Westwell (Cardiff University) and as such was invited to participate…
BCHC PhD student successfully defends thesis
We are delighted to announce that yesterday BCHC PhD student, Kezia Whatley, successfully defended her thesis titled “Synergistic application of high-throughput screening (HTS) and high content imaging (HCI) technologies with in silico drug repositioning techniques to identify new chemotherapeutic targets in S. mansoni” Congratulations Dr Whatley!!
Aberystwyth student scoops top prize at British parasitology conference
David Cutress, currently studying for his PhD at IBERS Aberystwyth University, received one of the top five poster awards at the British Society for Parasitology Annual Spring Conference in Dundee in April. David’s poster was one of 106 submitted into the competition, with the award being sponsored by Plos NTDs, Parasites and Vectors and the Malaria…
BCHC’s visting Expert-in-Residence, Dr Ron Hokke, appointed Professor at LUMC
The BCHC is celebrating the recent appointment of visiting Expert-in-Residence, Dr. Cornelis C. (Ron) Hokke, as Professor at the Department of Parasitology, Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), the Netherlands. Although based at LUMC since 2000, this award recognises Dr Hokke’s years of dedication to the international research community in the fields of glycobiology (known as…
Aberystwyth students dominate Drug Discovery awards
Aberystwyth students dominated the PhD poster awards at the 3rd Annual Scientific Drug Discovery Congress 2016 in Cardiff. Congrats to @ibers_aber Gilda, Alessandra and Rafael for winning the 3 PhD poster prizes at #LSCongress16! Well done indeed! — karl hoffmann (@ProfHoff1) November 30, 2016 // The Boss Baby film online now Dr Lucy Akinmosin…