BCHC welcomes a new member

In August 2022, the BCHC welcomed a new member – Dr Gabriel Rinaldi. Dr Rinaldi joins us from The Wellcome Sanger Institute. He was awarded the highly esteemed Future Leaders Fellowship by the UK Research and Innovation body. Over the next 4 years, his research will be based on improving our understanding of blood fluke…

BCHC members presented at British Society for Parasitology 60th Anniversary spring meeting

The University of York hosted the British Society for Parasitology spring meeting this March. This year we were able to meet in person and remotely to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the event. Keynote speakers included Amy Buck (University of Edinburgh) and Susan Wyllie (University of Dundee). Several BCHC members were involved in presentations and…

BCHC takes part in British Science Week

At the beginning of March, Aberystwyth University took part in British Science week, a UK wide initiative to celebrate science, technology engineering and maths. Over the course of 3 days pupils from local primary and secondary schools visited Penglais campus to engage in a range of lively science activities, games and quizzes. Undergraduate, Masters and…

BCHC visit local primary school

During October, Dr Jo Forde-Thomas visited local primary school, Ysgol Gynradd Llanilar, to deliver 4 sessions on ‘The world of Parasites’. Dr Forde-Thomas talked with pupils ranging in age from 4 through to 11 about some commonly encountered parasites before leading students through a drug discovery experiment drawing parallels to the work currently being conducted…

BCHC establishes new collaborations with the University of Oxford

Last Month the BCHC welcomed Professor Stuart Conway from the Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford for collaborative discussions. Professor Conway’s research focuses on the use of synthetic organic chemistry to enable the study of biological problems. Discussions focused around collaborations into the development of new anti-schistosomal agents. This proved to be a hugely productive…

BCHC sponsors Helminth Extracellular Vesicles Workshop

Helminth Extracellular Vesicles Workshop Bratsera Hotel, Hydra, Greece, 31 Aug – 01 Sep 2019 The BCHC has been delighted to sponsor the recent Helminth Extracellular Vesicles (EV) Workshop held in association with the Parasitic Helminth Conference on the beautiful island of Hydra in Greece. The two day workshop was attended by thirty researchers from around…

BCHC Scientist attends the UKs leading Proteome Research Meeting

Across three hot summer days in Southampton Dr Russ Morphew of the BCHC attended the annual scientific meeting of the British Society for Proteome Research (BSPR).  This year’s meeting was targeted towards integrative proteomics with a special emphasis on protein function, cellular systems and big data.  Throughout the three days, running from 1st-3rd July, there…

BCHC members present at British Society for Parasitology spring meeting

This April researchers from the BCHC travelled to Manchester to take part in the British Society for Parasitology spring meeting. This year’s meeting was held in partnership with the Belgian Society of Parasitology and Protistology (BSPP) and the Dutch Society for Parasitology (NVP). Keynote speakers included Prof Joanne Webster (Royal Veterinary College) and Prof Patricia Wright…

BCHC features in Advances Wales

The Barrett Centre for Helminth Control is featured in the Winter 2018 issue of ‘Advances Wales’, A quarterly publication that showcases the latest news, research, and developments in Science, Technology and Engineering in Wales. The article focuses on collaborative research conducted in conjunction with both Cardiff University’s School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Welsh…

Christmas trees aid the fight against Fasciolisis and Schistosomiasis

Scientists from Aberystwyth University, Ridgeway Research Ltd. and Phytoquest Ltd. have contributed to research that identifies a novel chemical compound from the bark of Noble fir trees and demonstrates that this compound has anthelmintic activity against two evolutionary related parasite species, the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica and the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni. Fasciolosis (caused by…